Frequently asked questions.

How do I book a cleaning appointment?

Simply click the 'booking' link and fill out the form. Our customer service will call you to confirm the reservation. You can also call 425-499-5938 to book your cleaning service.

What's the next step after I book?

You will receive a confirmation email that outlines the services you booked and the appointment time. Please review this email to verify all information is correct. 

Do you offer a Satisfaction Guarantee?

We stand behind our service. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, please contact us within 48 hours so we can re-evaluate our cleaning. We will do everything we can to meet your exceptions.

Do I need to be home during the cleaning?

No, you do not! It's completely your choice whether you would like to be home during your appointment. If you prefer, you can just leave a key and we'll take care of everything!

Do I need a deep clean?

We highly recommend our Deep Cleaning service for any first-time customers or customers who haven't had a professional cleaning in the last few months. 

How many hours does a typical cleaning take?

There is no set amount of time - it all depends on the current condition of your home.

Are you a pet friendly service?

We love pets just as much as you do! Our team are familiar with the proper treatment of dogs, cats and other pets.

What is your Cancellation Policy?

We never have any contracts when we clean your home. The only thing we ask is that if you have to cancel or reschedule, please give us 48 hours notice. If you cancel within 3 hours of the appointment there is a cancellation fee: 50% of the cleaning cost.